Saturday, March 17, 2007

I haven't forgotten about this. I've been fighting with a sinus infection for the last 2 weeks, and it doesn't seem to be getting any better. But on the bright side, I have finished going through our old bedroom and getting it ready for our son. It took about 3 days of none-stop work to do it, but it really looks nice. I've also spent a lot of time going through the boy's room and sorting his toys. I've told him that anything broken or missing parts will be thrown away. Looks like he won't have a lot of toys when I'm done. I'm really disappointed that he has never cared about his stuff enough to take care of it. Hopefully this is help him learn. Especially when I don't go and buy all new stuff. He thought that cleaning up meant to throw everything into bins and shove it into the closet. I've found most of his actions figures with missing limbs or heads, or missing something, and I even found a DVD broken into many little pieces. It was beyond cracked or scratched. I'm hoping the this will be a life lesson for him to take care of his stuff. But we shall have to see. I do have to admit that his new room is spotless. He's even making his bed up each day. Of course, there are only 2 bins in his room with toys right now. So he's not really tempted to pull everything out and leave it there. And we still have to go through a massive pile of books to see which ones he's outgrown. And then to put up the ones he wants to keep. The boy and I worked on that yesterday together. He was like "Why do I have to go through all these books?" And I told him that they were his books and he needed to go through them to see which ones he wanted to keep. He understood after that and actually helped out. I plan on finishing his old room today: boxing up the toys he has outgrown (Thomas the Tank Engine among others) and emptying out that room. Eventually, that room is going to be my sewing room. So I can go ahead and move the craft stuff from our old room and the craft stuff from the spare bedroom into there. Then we will move onto organizing the den and the kitchen. Lots of fun! But since it's turned cold (and damp) this weekend, we can't do some yard work (darn! says Bob). So instead: lots of work inside!

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