Apparently, the meds were better than I thought. The receptionist told me last night, when I call AGAIN about that referral, that there wasn't anything in my charts about it (guess I imagined the whole original conversation) So now, I have to go BACK to the doctor's office, wait forever in the waiting room, just so that I can actually talk to someone. 4 days of "I'll have someone call you back" and never hearing from them is pissing me off. Especially since the pain is still here, I'm out of meds, my left hand is swollen twice its normal size, and both of my shoulders spaz and burn.
On the other side, I haven't gotten much crafting done. I'm still working on my crocheted tablecloth. It's getting really difficult for me to do at this point because of the weight. Most of it can drap across my lap, but at some point I have to move it, and that's difficult. I'll try and get a few pictures of it this weekend.
I'm also working on the crocheted pink baby alpaca shawl to put on my etsy shop. But that's mainly my "take-along" project. It's so lightweight, that I can hardly tell I'm holding anything!
I thought that I'd work on another knitted pair of heel-less sleeping socks. The blue alpaca ones are great, just not for this really hot weather. So I was thinking about Egyptian cotton. But everytime I think I have it figured out, I start looking at it and realize that it's really too big. So then I rip it out, and have to start over. I just put it on hold this time. Because I found this at :

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