Monday, May 12, 2008

The boy is sick. Been running a slight fever, chills, runny nose, and such since Saturday afternoon. If he's not better by this afternoon, we'll be going by the doctor's. But I think that it's on the last leg, 'cause he's still sleeping and has been since around 3ish or so. Slept a lot yesterday too. I think it's a viral thing, and if that's the case, then there's not much doc can do but tell us "Drink lots of fluid, get lots of rest, and wait it out." Which is what we've been doing. I've been trying to entice him to eat by getting all of his favorite things, like popcicles, and ramen, and such. And drinks, including a huge jug of Hawaiian Punch, berry flavored or something else that's usually blue.

On the crafting front: I've made some progress in the lacy shawl in Victorian Lace Today. I've gotten to the point where one row takes a really long time. But I keep working on it! I've put almost everything else aside for now. Just trying to get one project done. Except for the Dragon Scarf. I'm trying to knit that in secret for the Boy for Christmas. So the only time I can work on it is after he's gone to bed. And by that time, I'm usually ready for bed!

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