Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Well, while trying to update my blog, I've found out that I can't update my layout page. Only half the page loads and I get an "error on page." So I can't update a lot of my side features. Oh well, I guess I'll try again later. Maybe a couple of days from now. Maybe then, it will be fixed.

One of my newest obsessions: Ravelry. I finally broke down and jumped on the bandwagon. I'm Niayla over there. Only took about a month or so before I made it on there. And it's worth it. I'm really enjoying all the features they have set up, and I haven't even explored half of it yet!

1 comment:

Sam said...

Hey, you're alive. :)

I'm on ravelry as Anaelle (I think), though I knit so rarely these days (thanks, work) that I haven't put anything up there.